Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Advantages and New Technology of VCB Increasing Its Demand of Utilization

Vacuum Circuit Breaker or VCB is a device that prevents unwarranted current (caused by short circuit) by interrupting in an electric circuit that is resulting from overloaded current. It is a kind of circuit breaker where arc quenching takes place in vacuum medium. It is use for switching purposes in high voltage applications and is less bulky, more efficient and cheaper in cost. It is more suitable for typical electrical utility duties and industrial applications. It does not require any maintenance. 

Advantages of Vacuum Circuit Breaker

Here are the advantages of vacuum circuit breaker;

  • It does not require filling of any gas or oil. They are free from periodic maintenance and do not need any auxiliary air system as it is pollution free. 
  • It is suitable for repeated operating duty.
  • It is reliable, compact and has long life quality.
  • Do not produce any noise when accessing.
  • It can interrupt any fault current.
  • It has higher electric strength and no fire hazards include.
  • It requires less power for controlling operation.

The technology of vacuum circuit breaker in India was first introduced in 1960 and is still developing its technology.

Utilization of Vacuum Circuit Breaker

It is recognized as most reliable current interruption technology for switchgear of medium voltage. It does not require any maintenance like other circuit breaker technologies. This technology is mainly suitable for medium voltage applications. The technology has also developed for higher voltage but it is not commercially feasible. The VCB panel and switchgear are combined to make housed circuit breakers. The arc interruption in vacuum circuit breaker is different from other types of circuit breaker. It builds a die-electric strength which peculiar of the vacuum breaker. The high value of currents cause concentrated arc in a small region that creates rapid vaporization if the contact surface. The high vacuum condition provides high dielectric strength to quench the arc. 

Manufacturing the Convenient Product

The VCB manufacturers are providing a series of accessories that are convenient for the clients. They provide superior quality of products those are required in engineering field. Nowadays the technology of the product is developing that are causing high demand in the market due to its trouble free performance and long lasting mechanical and electrical life. Due to its long life quality, the product reduces frequent expenditure of exchanging the fuses. It has some operating mechanism that ensures the safety of users. The manufacturers of the product confirm various standards of technologies to give the quality standard of product to the customers. It is more likely produce for the engineering projects.

There are different types of circuit breakers in which Vacuum circuit breaker is one of them. They get contact with arc chute chambers and works with them. VCB has some outstanding properties that make it usable at any voltage up to 230Kv and allow ease of actuation and timing. It interrupts the high frequency current that results from arc instability. It produces ions, electrons and metallic vapours and also helps in quick recovery of dielectric strength.